Sunday, January 29, 2012

A Note from Charlie

Hello Big People,

Yes, you are reading my t-shirt correctly, it says 'big brother'.  Apparently, I am going to become a big brother this August.  I am not sure what being a big brother means, but mommy and daddy tell me I will be really good at it and I will have a lot of fun playing with my new little sister or brother.  I guess I will take their word for it, but I am not so sure yet.  So, I have decided to take over my mommy's blog to tell the world how I feel about this...

I am not entirely sure why I have to become a big brother so soon - I really enjoy this one-on-one attention I receive from my mom and dad and now I have to share it?   And why didn't they ask my opinion on expanding our family before just going ahead and expanding it?  Those are two questions I think about a lot these days when I am laying in my crib.

As I listen to them talk about the new baby that is coming, I smile a lot (I know they love when I smile at them) and they think I am smiling out of excitement - I am not.  I am smiling because I want them to stop talking about the new baby and focus on me.  Come on!  I am here right now, play with me - I don't see this new baby, where is it?   Until he or she gets here, it should be all about me.  Speaking of where the new baby is, I think I have figured that out - it is in mommy's tummy.  I have noticed her tummy is sticking out a little bit so I like to hit her tummy to try and get that baby to say or do something.  Boring baby, does not do a thing and then mommy tells me it is not nice to hit her tummy.  What she really means is, it is not nice to hit the baby.   I see where this is going, this new baby will be taking over my world as I know it.  It is not even in the world and it has already started...

Well, I am sure it seems like I am not excited to be a big brother, but I secretly am.  I just needed to vent and get my thoughts off my little chest.  My new little sister or brother and I will be 16 1/2 months apart and I know we will have so much fun together.  I will already know a lot about life when he or she arrives so I can show him or her the ropes.  But until August arrives, I just want you all to know - especially you mommy and daddy, it is all about me!



  1. CONGRATULATIONS GUYS!! So exciting! Can't wait to celebrate next Monday with you!

    1. You are so sweet Carol - thank you! Looking forward to our girls night out on Monday! :)
