Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Flirt Alert!

Charlie is breaking hearts all over Chicago :)  He has taken a liking to smile at all the ladies, young and old; from the produce woman at the grocery store, to the little girls in his play groups.  We can't go anywhere without Charlie flirting - he flashes his million dollar smile and then plays hard to get by turning his head into his stroller or burying his face in our shoulder (if we are holding him.)  And if he really 'likes' someone, he will scream and "talk" until they look his way.   It is hilarious - he has quite the personality and it is only getting stronger each day. 

Here are some pictures of his 'flirty smile' and a few others from Month 4.  We can't quite believe we are coming up to the 1/2 way mark of Charlie's first year in our lives! 

Big Smile!

Charlie at the Bean in Millennium Park

Sleeping with his butt in the air

Eating his toes

Loves to lay on his dog Kenadee

Playing in his excer-saucer

Rolling Around

4 Months!
Hanging out with his big-boy friends

Baptism with God Parents  - Aunt Meggie and Uncle Matt