Tuesday, February 18, 2014

School Days

Charlie started 'real' pre-school two weeks ago - kind of on a whim because he was on the wait list for the school since we have moved and we thought he would not get in this school year.  He had been going to drop off groups and camps since June, which we called 'school' but now this is the real deal!  It amazes me how fast time goes by - I always knew pre-school was on the horizon but I am now making his lunch and sending him off on his own for a few hours 3 days a week.   The transition has been great and he absolutely loves every minute he spends there.

Can't forget about our Luella :)  She will be 18 months on Thursday - again, time goes by so fast!  She is full of confidence, sass, opinions, hugs, and smiles.  Not to mention, a unique sense of fashion along with a passion for shopping.  Everyday is a new adventure with her and I could not be more proud of the little girl she is growing into.