Monday, November 28, 2011

A Very THANKFUL Thanksgiving

"This year on Thanksgiving we were very thankful that our car decided to die in the garage rather than on the highway during our drive back to Wisconsin..."

Yep, that's right, the car decided not to start after we had packed it up for our Thanksgiving holiday back in Wisconsin.  After loading it up with baby gear, Thanksgiving pies, 2 dogs and oh yes, the baby (who, by the way, hates the car seat so much that he twists his body in ways that amaze me just because he does not want to go in his seat!);  we felt pretty good - we were leaving on time (and during one of Charlie's nap times which is crucial during a 'road trip'), had everything packed and we were all accounted for in the car... and then NOTHING!  Wait a few minutes, try again-NOTHING!  Steve and I looked at each other and started laughing - this was not happening!  But yes, it was happening and it happened.  So, needless to say, Charlie's first Thanksgiving was spent in Chicago.  After the shock of the car not starting and calling our families to tell them the news, we made the best of the situation and went to the grocery store to get all of the stuff we needed for our last minute Thanksgiving dinner.  We had such a fun day - we think we might have started a new tradition for the 3 of us :)

And by the way, on our Christmas list this year, a new car - ha ha!

Charlie and his first turkey - a mini Butterball Turkey Breast (the only thing the grocery store had left besides 30lb turkeys!)

Happy Turkey Day 2011!

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